Thursday, November 15, 2012

No more homework on Friday

By Daniel A.

Hi I think there should not be anymore homework on Friday. I think it would be better if there was no more homework on Fridays because kids deserve to play. If there was no more homework on Fridays that would be better here are some reasons why.

If there where no homework on Fridays kids don't need to do there homework before playing. Teachers don't have to correct any more homework on the weekends. And also kid's homework won't get lost when they go to school. And what if it's Friday and there is a holiday and kids want to spend time with there family they don't need to worry about homework. If the homework is hard and they need to finish it but are having a hard time and spend hours on it that wont happen any more. And if they are on a trip on Friday they don't need to worry about homework. And also the kids deserve a break in homework. And if you're sick you don't have to worry about homework too. Those are some reasons why I think there should not be homework on Friday. The kids don't have to worry about homework any more.

I hope you agree with this rule. School should not have any more homework on Fridays. And remember no more homework on Fridays.


Minimum Day on Wednesdays


By Abe

        School is really important. School is five times a week and get out at 3:00. There should be minimum days on Wednesdays.

School should get out early on Wednesday because kid can do there homework early and don't have to do anything. Also, teachers can go home to rest from all that teaching. Then, the next morning the teachers and students will be 100% ready for school. The time the school should get out is at 12:30. One other reason is so kids that have pets can feed them when they get home. And kids can also help with chores, play outside, and hang out with there friends. There parents are surprised to see there son/daughter home early. They can also do extra work online at Kids can go and walk around town. Teachers can also get pizza and hang out with family.

There should be minimum days on Wednesdays. School is alright but it would be better if there are minimum day on Wednesdays. School should get out at 12:30 on Wednesday.




By Atzel


WE should be able to wear hats at school.IN high school you are able to wear hats and we should have the same privilages. They aren't no different from us.


There is nothing wrong with hats. They are not gang affiliation unless you are wearing them wrong. There should be no problem if you are wearing them like they are supposed to. We should also be able to wear them in buildings. Off of school grounds kids can wear them as long as they want. Just because it is school there isn't no difference. In almost every other school you can wear them that's why we should wear them too .Also sometimes kids hair is up and they need something to cover it. In the cafeteteria if we wear hats the lunch ladies take them away till the end of school. We bring hats to school to wear not hold them in our hands the whole day or get them tooken away for the whole day.


That's why I think we should be able to wear hats. Even inside it is not bad to wear hats that is what they are made for. Don't you think.

The New Rule

By Naiya

    I think that there should be a new rule at this school. Normally, kids aren`t allowed to bring their pets to school. I think that should be allowed to bring their pets to school, not just for Pet Day, but every day.

Here are the reasons that kids should be able to bring their pets to school. One is that some kids walk to school and what if someone tries to take them? Well, if that kid had a dog or a cat or even a hawk, that animal could attack the person who tried to take the child. Two, is that an animal makes a good companion, especially for recess. When the kids are at class, they could sleep next to their feet or stay outside. Three, during PE, nobody is allowed to sit down, unless they are sick, and an animal would be great to play with. Four, if kids heard from around the world that they could bring their pets to school, they would come to this school, the parents would pay money, and this school would get a lot more money.

I think that it would be great for this school to let pets in. I love animals. That is my idea for a new rule.

A New Rule

                By Chris

School is great. When I go to school I feel great. Every one should. So why can't we have one rule changed.

    Some of the rules are kind of stupid, like no hats. Why can't we have hats there is nothing wrong with them. It's just covering your messy hair day or your new hair cut. So what's wrong with them? We should be able to ware hats. The only reason we cant is because they are supposedly gang related. Well there not. Just because they have a flat brim does not mean they are gang related. We should also be able to wear them because our ears could be cold, our hair is messed up or you have a hair cut you don't like.

    What I'm trying to say is we should be able to wear hats in school they are not a problem. All the do is help us not be embarrassed of our new hair cut we don't like or have our ears frozen off. That's why we should be able to wear hats in school.

School lunch

By Trevor

We need better lunch at the school cafeteria. They don't make good food. There are a lot of things that I don't like but I don't think a can count that high. The oriental chicken last year was a lot better.

I think that we should have a vote for every kid in the middle school to see if we should change the lunch. I wish that would happen so that we would finally have good school food. I know that for a fact because almost every kid in the middle school does not like the food that we have.

I also think that we should get out of school earlier. We should be able to leave around two or two thirty. Because when I was in primary and intermediate we also had to leave at three. Then when I go into middle school it changes for them. It is now two and we had to wait till three. Either we should be able to leave at two or they leave at three.

First of all I want to change the lunch. Second of all I also want to change another school rule which is to get out at two. Another suggestion is that they get out at three because that is when we got out. Those are some school rules I want to change.

The New Rule

By Aubrey


I think there should be a new rule at this school. Kids aren't usually permitted to bring any pets to school. I think they should.

Here are my reasons:

  • Some kids walk to school. I think they should be able to take their dog with them if they go a different route.
  • At recess, some kids might not have a friend to play with. Their pet could come with them and accompany them at break.
  • During class, the pet could sleep next to his/her feet.
  • In science class, you could study the origin and genetics of your pet.
  • Everybody would enjoy taking their pet on a field trip.

Those are my reasons to bring a pet to school.

There Should Be Games At School!

By Cameron


I think there should be games at school because what fun is the playground. The playground is boring I don't think its any fun at all. There should be games at school because some kids like games a lot and think it's more fun then play time.

Some of the kids like games a lot more than playtime. The kids in middle should be aloud to play teen games and kids in elementary should play E for everyone games. Games would make kid happy and make them want to go to school.

I think kid would like games more than playtime. Kids would love games because its so much fun. After all most games teach you something.

Monday, October 8, 2012

What a Thunderstorm is

By Jaye Lynn


A thunderstorm is heavy rain .Sometimes it gets flooded in places. There's lots of grey clouds. There is lots of thunder and lightning , and many little kids get scared . It sounds like a huge cannon going off. It smells good from the rain hitting the sage.

I like it when it thunderstorms . We get in our footie PJ's and drink hot cocoa . Sometimes the power goes out and we light the candles . Sometimes we tell jokes and read books. We do all that until we either go to bed or until the power comes back on.

The Thunderstorm

By Shelby

A thunder storm is loud sometimes .it also has lightning sometimes. It has thunder in it. The clods turn black if its that bad. Sometimes it starts rainy. It feels so good on year skin but you wouldn't want to be out side at that time. I never bean in a thunderstorm before. I would never want to be in one . I hope me and my family are never in a thunderstorm.


No Title Given

One night there was a thunderstorm. My friend had never seen a thunderstorm. She was scared. She would hide when ever the lightning would sound.

The lightning sounded like if it were to break my house. My friend looked out my window and saw rain pouring and bright lightning. So I told her to come outside with me. It smelled like salty rain. And it sounded like crashing glass.

She never wanted to come to my house again. So I just invited my other friend and she had the same problem.

The thunder storm

By Bert

The worst thunder was scary. Thunder clapped fore a hour straight we went in side and drank hot cocoa, and played board games. After that we went out side and the thunder storm had stopped, and then we went to bed.


By Annahy

Thunderstorms they sound like two drums next to your ear. The wind is really dusty and the rain feels like a small ball of glass hitting you at a fast speed. The lightning is really powerful that it can burn down a field or house. Then the lights go out. There's no light any where its just plain clouds, dark gray clouds every where.

The thunder storm…

By Harlan

One day I was in the desert playing with my bro and memo then we herd thunder they thought it was lighting so we had to go home because it was raining my mom came home soaked she was mad that memo was still here but his mom could not make it here in time so we had to what for her !










































By Trevor

I will be talking about my first thunderstorm. I was 8 years old. So it was pretty scary. At first I didn't know what to think. It scared me because of the noise. Other than that I was not scared.

Most of the time it starts raining after the first thunder strikes. Usually before it starts it gets all cloudy and the clouds turn a blackish color. And it is pretty cool and scary your first time cause you can see the lightning. That is the cool part but the first time the thunder scares you.

But now it does not scare me any more. I just think it is cool to watch the lightning and now I like the sound of the thunder. I actually like thunder storms. My first two thunder storms were scary. Now I like to watch theme.

The Big Storm

By Chris

One day at my friend's house we experienced the scariest storm of our lives. It was not just a thunder storm it was a flood, thunder and lightening. The flood scared us the most because we slept down stairs. It was morning time and when we woke up the flour was covered with water and glass. It scared us so badly we would not even try to wake up. But eventually his mom came down stairs and made us get up.


The thunder was so loud it made our ears hurt, the lightening was really bright, and the water flooded the streets. It was really scary. When it was all over we went to get some ice cream cause it was really hot.

That was the scariest thunder storm of my life.


By Berenice


Thunderstorms are loud, scary and heart attack like. I see gray clouds, rain, cows getting shocked. I hear sonic booms, cows mooing, dogs barking, and grandma screaming. I smell sage brush, wet dirt. I feel anxious around grandma when she see's THUNDERSTORMS. I feel scared, crying, and grandma leaving person.

Lighting storm

When I lived in Arizona, a lot of lighting was striking. A lighting struck a light pole and our whole town ran out of power. My family waited for the power to come back. We waited about six hours and the power came back on. We were happy and we finally got some rest.


By, abe

Thunder storm

By Cameron

When I was In a thunder storm it was wet, cold, dark and load. The smell of wet brush filled the air it made it smell good but at the same time it made it more scary. The lightning struck down on the moutons above as the thunder roared above me.

The Experience of a Thunderstorm

By Heizol

A thunderstorm might be scary to some people or not. When there is a thunderstorm it sounds scary when the hard rain pours on the roof of your house and the lightning booming outside making the ground shake. When there is a thunderstorm it looks like that light in the party that is white and flashing. A thunderstorm smells like wet dirt cause of the rain or maybe like smoke if a lightning strike a tree. This was an experience of a thunderstorm.


By Roberto


I saw a lightning storm

By: Daniel A.

When I lived in Colorado it was completely dark when I saw a thunder storm. The lightning was appearing here then there. It was hitting the ground and hitting other stuff. The lightning was shouting at me and every one else too. The time I went to bed it was stopping then in the morning it was done but it was completely wet out side. That night when I saw the lightning I was scared.

My Favorite Meal

By Naiya

I have many favorite meals, but only one is my absolute favorite. My favorite meal takes place at dinnertime. My favorite meal is my mom`s spaghetti, salad, and garlic bread. As a drink with that I like to have mango juice. The spaghetti is always just right. It's always creamy, saucy, and definitely cheesy! We usually buy canned tomato sauce, but we also add a bunch of stuff to it like olive oil, sea salt, and garlic salt. The cheese is always parmesan. My mom always makes a bunch so it lasts for almost a week. The salad is always spinach salad slathered with a bunch of Italian Balsamic Dressing and again, parmesan cheese! The garlic bread is soft and chewy. Yum… also it`s once again covered with parmesan cheese. The mango juice is so flavorful. For dessert, we have mint-chocolate-chip-fudge ice cream. That is my favorite food.

My Favorite Meal

Is orange chicken it looks like chicken mushed together and it looks orange and tasted hot and sweet and it smells like sweet and some pieces are small and some are big and some stick together and it has little black thing it could be the hot stuff or the sweet stuff.


By Brandon

My Favorite Meal

By Heizol


My favorite meal is dinner because it has some of my favorite meals like Italian and Mexican. Italian: pizza, spaghetti, plain lasagna, and Alfredo. Mexican: tacos, enchiladas, tamales, posole, rice and so on It smells so Italian like olive garden and the Mexican like so mexcany. The Italian food looks like a kind of food that looks different then other foods and so does the Mexican food, and this is My Favorite Meal.

My Favorite Meal Is


By Shelby

My favorite meal is steak, rice, and bread . I like those things cause the texture in all of it .

The steak has to be medium rare so it is good. I like it covered with pepper, salt, and steak seasonings. I like it bloody and juicy and a little tender. I wish I could eat steak every wear but I cant cause I don't like scrutiny people cooking my steak.

I like rice because it is healthy, tasty, plain ,did say good. I like my rice with pepper, salt , .I like my rice creamy and puffy. Wean its creamy its like a marshmallow. I also like it with a sauce from seasons the recreant . Sometimes I like it with vegetables. Like seemed broccoli with meted chees.

I like bead because it's a little dry if you don't put butter. But I don't put a lot . Its really good and healthy for you to. My mom makes home mad bread sometimes I wish she made it all the time.




Shelby ann


Friday, October 5, 2012

No title

By Trevor


This is about the time I went to universal studios my favorite ride was the transformer ride. it made me feel like I was actually in the fight. The shot missiles and some how you actually felt the heat as if it blew up on you.

I didn't have the chance to go onto all of the rides. My second favorite ride was the mummy. When you are on the ride it is all dark and thing are glowing. When you get to the middle of the ride you can fell some thing as if there are bugs crawling on your feet.

The other ride I really liked was king Kong 3d. when you get onto the ride it is animated to where it seems like you are actually in the jungle. It makes it to where it seems like the jungle is endless. Then a dinosaur comes and tries to hit you and he smacks you with his tail. And then king kong grabs the dinosaur and throws it at you.

The other ride that I liked was the Simpson's. It was kind of dumb. Because it only went up down left and right. I just liked it because of the animation.

And every ride I went on was Simpson's, transformers ride, tour, Jurassic park, king Kong, and mummy. Then at the end I went and got souvenirs and lunch. then I went home. So that was my time at universal studios.

My favorite food

Is orange chicken it looks like chicken mushed together and it looks orange and tasted hot and sweet and it smells like sweet and some pieces are small and some are big and some stick together and it has little black thing it could be the hot stuff or the sweet stuff

By Brandon

No Title Given

By Jaye Lynn

My favorite meal is Dinner, I like breakfast for Dinner . It feels weird when eat it because it doesn't feel like regular Dinner. I wish I could have it more often but I guess its "too expensive" .

First of all I love sausage and that's something we have in it most of the time. Eggs those are good with pepper and salt. Sometimes we have waffles but most of the time we have pan cakes, oh and syrup you cant forget syrup. With a drink it goes best with milk.

My favorite meal

By Daniel H.

My favorite food is the kind you eat. It all smells good, tastes good, looks good, hears good, feels good, and fits in my mouth good!

I like uncle pizza- a girl named orange chicken- and my sister cheeseburger

Pizza is good because it's cheesy and saucy and it contains dough

Next off is orange chicken, I like this because it is Chinese food and its chicken and its sweet

Last but still least the cheeseburger, its juicy with bread and cheese kinda like pizza just different

My Favorite Meal

By Jacky L.

    My favorite meal is dinner, because my mother makes really good food. One of my favorite foods that she makes is pepperoni pizza with salad, and icy cold water. And for dessert we eat crispy brownies

It smells like delicious pepperonis with mozzarella cheese. It tastes like greasy pepperonis with juicy tomato sauce. It also looks like a cheesy and greasy slice of pizza with a crunchy piece of a brownie, next to that fresh delicious salad

Sorry if you don't like my meal, but that is my favorite meal.




By Berenice

My favorite lunch meal is homemade meat with squirt. It looks like dead dry skin. It smells like my grandma's house in Mexico. It tastes bloody ,juicy, and salty. My favorite desert with it is chewy, crunchy brownies .


My Favorite Meal

By Shawnau

My favorite meal is dinner, because when I'm at my aunts house my uncle grills delicious steak. I love to put barbecue sauce on my steak. It always looks bloody , because I love my steak very juicy and bloody it tastes good like that. I love the way it smells like steamy meat . It tastes very chewy and taste!

The items that I eat with my steak is corn with rice, green beans with melted cheese on it. It smells very steamy and looks very awesome. It tastes very chewy and sweet .Sometimes I eat bread with melted butter.

The desert I eat it with the rest of my meal is brownies. They taste very good and crunchy .They look very puffy and oily. They smell very fresh out of the oven. The drink I eat with my meal is milk .

My favorite meal always tastes very good to me and my family . When I eat this meal I always want to eat it again. That is my favorite meal.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

My favorite meal



By Bert


My favorite meal is buffalo wings, onion rings, coke, and ranch. It tastes hot and spicy. When you smell it goes up into your nostrils, and it burns. I eat it with my fingers and it gets looks like normal chicken with buffalo sauce on it. Every time I eat it I feel great full.


By Roberto

My favorite meal is dinner, my favorite dinner is chipotle, It is because you can create your own burrito it's really good!. My favorite chipotle is tortilla with beans, rice, steak, lettuce , tomato, cream and some green hot sauce. sometimes I eat it with guacamole and chips. And that's my favorite meal.

My favorite meal

By Annahy

My favorite meal in diner is Chinese food. I like the orange chicken it tastes like orange but on a chicken. I also like the rice too, it smells like flour. I really like dumplings , the way it looks mmm… it looks good the ,even the sugar bread it look like bed of white peddle or flour.

My favorite Meal is…

By Harlan


Orange chicken with noddle's and rice it makes your mouth water just to think about it and the smell is not that good. It tasted like orange chicken if you did not know the noddle's you know what noddle's tasted like . same with rice.

No Title Given

    By Heizol

My favorite meal is breakfast , because my mom sometimes make something good like: pancakes, bacon, egg, hash brown, and orange juice or milk. I like to put butter , syrup , and chocolate chips In the egg and hash browns I put my favorite Heinz ketchup. It smells like sweet flavorful syrupy pancakes and the smell of the sizzling in the pan of bacon mmm hmmm, I like the orange juice of Minute Maid it is so sweet.

Sometimes I just like eating cereal, my favorite one is Honey Nut Cheerios, Frosted flakes, Fruit Loops, and Honey Nut Bunches.

My breakfast looks good to some people or maybe bad, but to me it looks so delicious , like if it was something you like a lot that's the same as me.


By Trevor

My favorite meal is orange chicken with white rice. Some people do not recommend the sauce that comes with the orange chicken but I do. I think if you do not put on the sauce it taste plain and it does not have that spicy taste that it has when you do put on the sauce.

The thing that I like to drink with the food I like to drink tea with the food. You can cook it two ways maybe more that I do not know about. One way that you can cook it is in the microwave and the other way is the stove. I personally I like it when it is cooked on the stove.

With my meal I like fortune cookies. The reason why I like fortune cookies with it is because I just like Chinese food and because it gives you a fortune. So that is my favorite meal.

No Title Given

By Berenice

My favorite lunch meal is homemade meat with squirt. It looks like dead dry skin. It smells like my grandma's house in Mexico. It tastes bloody ,juicy, and salty. My favorite desert with it is chewy, crunchy brownies .


No Title Given

By Adri

MMy favorite meal in the morning is eggs , toasted bread with fresh jelly on top because it tastes likes food .For lunch is a slice of pepperoni pizza , breadsticks with a side of salad . For dinner my family and I like to eat cereal with a orange.

No Title Given

By Atzel

My favorite meal is pepporoni pizza with hot wings it looks like cheese sause and pepporoni the hot wings look so greasy the pizza tastes delicious and the hot wings are good my beverage that goes with this meal is cherry coke I have more than 10 favorite foods but this is the best meal I ever tasted


No Title Given

By Kevin L.

My favorite meal is pepperoni pizza .sometimes when I feel random I put a little bit of ketchup and salt, and while I am eating it I would like some lipton to drink .W hen I taste it is like I am in another planet . Smells like your in heaven . It looks like a triangle with circles in it , with tomato sauce .


My Favorite Meal

By Jaye Lynn


My favorite meal is Diner, I like breakfast for Diner . It feels weird when eat it because it doesn't feel like regular Diner. I wish I could have it more often but I guess its "too expensive" .

First of all I love sausage and that's something we have in it most of the time. Eggs those are good with pepper and salt. Sometimes we have waffles but most of the time we have pan cakes, oh and syrup you cant forget syrup. With a drink it goes best with milk.

My favorite Meal

By Abe

My favorite time to eat is lunch. The food I eat for lunch is a hotdog because I like to put toppings on like mayo, ketchup, mustard, and whatever else you want. I put ketchup, and mayo on my hotdog. I only eat hotdogs when I get home from school.

What I prefer with a hotdog is soda. Soda is perfect drink with a hotdog because it will be a good meal. It will look like your eating dinner. It kinda taste like a hamburger.



My Favorite Meal

By Aubrey

My favorite meal is dinner. In that meal, I love to have tri-color pasta with cheese and four cheese al fredo sauce. I love the creamy and rich taste of it.

As a side dish, I have steamed Brussel sprouts with my dad's delicious cheddar cheese sauce.

As a drink, I have pure and diluted white grape juice.

For dessert, I have razzleberry pie. I love the sweet tang to it.

That is my favorite meal.

My Favorite Meal

By Chris

One of my favorite foods spaghetti and meat balls. It has green onions (also know as chives) green peppers and regular onions. The meal also has green beans and corn on the side. It smells like a French food it looks like one to. It tastes very good kind of like a Mexican food with a little spice to it. My favorite meal looks like a regular dish but It don't taste like it. That is my favorite meal.

My favorite food

By: Daniel A


my favorite food for lunch is a burrito. I like my burrito to have beans, beef or chicken, sour cream, lettuce, and rice. The burrito tastes awesome and smells great. I have other favorite foods but this is my favorite for lunch. My favorite drink to go with my burrito is pepsi. If I had a favorite food for lunch it would be a burrito with pepsi.