By Daniel A.
Hi I think there should not be anymore homework on Friday. I think it would be better if there was no more homework on Fridays because kids deserve to play. If there was no more homework on Fridays that would be better here are some reasons why.
If there where no homework on Fridays kids don't need to do there homework before playing. Teachers don't have to correct any more homework on the weekends. And also kid's homework won't get lost when they go to school. And what if it's Friday and there is a holiday and kids want to spend time with there family they don't need to worry about homework. If the homework is hard and they need to finish it but are having a hard time and spend hours on it that wont happen any more. And if they are on a trip on Friday they don't need to worry about homework. And also the kids deserve a break in homework. And if you're sick you don't have to worry about homework too. Those are some reasons why I think there should not be homework on Friday. The kids don't have to worry about homework any more.
I hope you agree with this rule. School should not have any more homework on Fridays. And remember no more homework on Fridays.