Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Cell Phones

by Christien

     Cell phones have become the most common form of communication aside from talking face-to-face today. The question is whether cell phones are actually replacing face-to-face conversation. Is communicating with phones more efficient and healthier than talking one on one?
            Have you ever sat next to someone and texted them from right there next to them? If you have then you are definitely not the first. I have in many different situations. It is not very healthy to sit next to someone and text them instead of talking to them verbally.
            Cell phones also have physical consequences. For example, if you text for an hour straight your fingers can become cramped, your eyes can hurt from the light of the screen. Some researchers say that Phones can give you brain cancer and other forms of cancer from the radiation it gives off.
If you do then you are one of 87% of Americans that have them. The average American spends about 2.7 hours a day on their phones. That is still less than the average person spends talking a day. Say you speak 15 words a minutes for 5 hours. That’s 4500 word! How many words do you text in a day?
The reality is that phones are not exactly replacing one on one conversations but are causing problems. You should only spend a limited amount of time on it for health reasons.

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